Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by Congress in 1988, prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, familial status, sex and handicap.
In addition, Nevada State Law includes protections based on ancestry, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
“The majority of situations that we encounter are around individuals who have physical or mental disabilities, or individuals who, because of a physical disability, need to to put a ramp into the property where they’re residing.” – Roberto Ortiz, Director of Programs
The Federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to discriminate in housing-related transactions due to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, family status or disability.
If you’re a landlord, real estate broker, insurance provider, bank or other lending institution, it is illegal to discriminate against someone trying to: rent an apartment/condominium/house/mobile home; buy a house, condo or mobile home; negotiate the sale of a house, condo or mobile home.
The Federal Fair Housing Act mandates that all new multifamily dwellings must meet seven design and construction requirements.
Silver State Fair Housing Council (SSFHC) es una organización privada no lucrativa que aboga por un acceso común en la vivienda en Nevada desde 1989.
SSFHC proporciona educación e información acerca de los derechos sobre la vivienda, procesa lass quejas sobre discriminación, lleva a cabo investigaciones, y refiere a los servicios necesarios; evalua las barreras que hay en nuestra comunidad para una vivienda justa.