CHRB Board member Brian Paulson presents SSFHC Director of Programs Roberto Ortiz with CHRB’s donation to further fair housing education in southern Nevada.
On Thursday, August 8, 2013, SSFHC was honored to be presented with a donation of $2,168.67 from the Community Housing Resource Board of Southern Nevada (CHRB). Designated to promote fair housing education in Clark County, NV, this funding will allow SSFHC to provide additional community education activities to raise awareness of fair housing rights, responsibilities, and resources in southern Nevada. CHRB and SSFHC have had a longstanding partnership based on the agencies’ shared missions to promote equal housing opportunity in Nevada. It was this partnership with CHRB, providing fair housing educational opportunities to housing providers in southern Nevada, that helped SSFHC expand its program to a statewide level.
The CHRB was a community volunteer group organized in September, 1980, by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to work in conjunction with HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity to promote the goals of fair housing throughout the United States. In nearly three decades of existence, the CHRB developed many strong partnerships, despite limited financial resources and lack of staff. The CHRB hosted numerous fair housing fairs, seminars, and workshops, and participated in annual “April is Fair Housing Month” activities and Home Builders shows. In 2010, the CHRB was a recipient of SSFHC’s HEART award, presented to organizations that “further fair housing in our community.” Upon its dissolution in July, 2011, Southern Nevada’s CHRB was the last of its kind in the country.
SSFHC expresses its deep appreciation to CHRB, not only for its donation toward fair housing education for residents of Clark County, but also for its dedication to the concepts and principles of fair housing, and the tireless work of its volunteer Board members who have given so much of themselves in the cause of equal housing opportunity.